Filterig list .

I have a list  in a list view of ideas  where these are to be sorted with like count and as well as they should be in those list for certain days only. I mean i have a trending list of ideas where after certain days they should be out of those list even though they have good like count. 
2 answers

Hi Hanumesh,

I would use the following approach:

  1. Create a ‘like’ entity and associate this with the idea entity
  2. Make sure to save the createdDate on the ‘Like’ entity
  3. Whenever someone gives a like to an idea create an object of the ‘like’ entity and associate this with the idea
  4. On Idea entity store an attribute LikeCount
  5. Whenever the page is opened (or in a scheduled event at night) calculate the likes every idea had in the last days
  6. On the page create a datagrid or listview and sort by likecount.

hope this helps!


Hi Hanumesh,

I expect certain things to already work for you:
Having a like count and a Date from where you get the information, if an idea should be in the list.

If those are given, here are two ideas:
1. Make the ListView work with a Datasource Microflow. In that Microflow you can even sort your ideas by your “like count” and then return it as Data to the ListView. It will be shown in your sorted order from the Mciroflow.
2. If you are willing to create an attribute on idea “showUntil” (or smth similiar) you can make use of XPath in the ListView Widget. You would have to fill this attribute in the respected process.

I am willing to elaborate further, if  you are interested.
