Data grid XPath Problem

I've got a weird problem on my Data grid that data sometimes show and sometimes not. My data is filter by both data grid XPath constraint on Page and Access rules' XPath constraint on Entity. The design perpouse is to filter data can be saw by different user role and show different data on page by data's category. Just like I've a "Merchandise" entity with Attribute : Status, Region and  Access roles : US Manager, JP Manager. A Data grid to show Merchandise that filter Attribute Status is "Sold-Out" by XPath on Page. As a JP Manager, I want to see list of Merchandise that Region is JP and Status is "Sold-Out" on Page. As a US Manager, I want to see list of Merchandise that Region is US and Status is "Sold-Out" on the same Page.  But data match the constaint condition somtimes not showing on the page.  
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