Trying to use boolean attribute to condition dynamic class but is not working

I need to add a dynamic class to a Data Grid 2. This always worked before but now that I'm trying to use a boolean for a condition is not working.    This is my condition:    if $object/booleanAttibute then 'trueClass' else 'falseClass'   But is always returning false no matter if the attribute is true. I even have a column displaying the value and its rendering fine in the grid whether is true or false.    Can you tell me what is wrong or what can I do? 
2 answers

Hi Aquiles, 

   You can refer to the following answer for your question.


Work Around,

 You can simply achieve this by using list view and customize it with same boolean attribute. And list view has all open css formatting to get the look and feel like data grid 2. 

Let me know if it works or you need additional support for the same.


Are you sure your $object is the row object? Maybe it's the out wrapped dataview object? 
