Entity Acces/Access rules over an association

In my application, users (Administration.Account) can start processes. For example, a process can consist of calling an API and doing something with that data.   A user (Admnistration.Account) belongs to an organization, users (Administration.Account) can belong to multiple organizations. A process also belongs to an organization, organizations can have multiple processes.   The domain model is as shown in the picture.   Now I want to work with entity access/access rules on the entity Process. I would like that when users are logged in they can see all the processes that: They created themselves (Process.owner) AND Created by a user associated with the same organization(s).   Example User A belongs to organization 'Bank User B belongs to organization 'House User C belongs to organization 'Table User D belongs to organization 'Bank', 'Table' and 'Chair   User A has created processes 1 and 2 User B has created processes 3 and 4 User C has created process 5 User D has processes 6, and 7 created under organization 'Bank', processes 8 and 9 created for organization 'Chair'   User A needs to see processes 1, 2, 6, and 7 User B needs to see processes 3 and 4 User C needs to see process 5 User D serve the processes 1, 2, 8 and 9   From the entity access, I can go to the current user but in doing so, I cannot proceed to the asociated entity Organization. I tried it by putting the organization, which the user chooses at login, in a session variable. But as far as I can see in the access rules, I cannot access that session variable via XPath.   How can I achieve this?
1 answers

Why do you have a *-1 from Organization to Account? Now you must have two Organizations named "Bank" or you replace one associated Account with the next every time you set the association. I'd expect *-* so you can do something like

[Module.Process_Organization/Module.Organization/Module.Organization_Account = '[%CurrentUser%]']
