Selecting top results in XPath?

Hi All, I will be needing to display the top 3 results from a particular field in a data grid. I'm thinking I will need to do this with an XPath query, but I'm not quite sure how.   Any thoughts on this?   Thanks!
3 answers

There are multiple ways to do that. Here is couple of suggestions :

- the simple one - you can specify the number of rows that will be displayed in the properties of the grid "Number of rows" to 3 and that will display only the first 3 rows always.


- you can use a microflow to "Retrieve" the data, count the records until they are <=3 and display the list on the grid.

Unless you have a particular reason that you needed to use Xpath ?


To add to the answers that Yonas and Rom have given, you can use a microflow as datasource for your grid and then use the following to retrieve the items:



As you can see here, I've specified that I want the first three results, after sorting the items in descending order on an Integer attribute. So if my database contains "MyEntity"-objects with the values: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 as "IntValue". They will be sorted by the database in descending order, so: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And I've speciefied that I want only 3 items, starting from position 0, resulting in the objects that have 5, 4 and 3 as value.


Thanks everyone! I will use these suggestions to figure what option works for me. 
