How to jumpstart at the last List Item (at the bottom) of a List View?

Hi guys,   I am looking for a working solution to select the last item of a list view. so that when opened a screen the page is scrolled to this item at the bottom of the list view. I tried different Javascript (in combination with Jquery) but didnt work out for me. I kindly ask a proven, working solution. And I tried that anchor widget, couldnt get it working. So please anyone a proven solution for this situation?    
2 answers

Hi Enzo,

I am not sure but it could be possible to do it with this widget:

Add some conditional visibility to only show the widget on the last item in the list and you should be set.



hi Enzo, 

if you can call the list view by Database or Xpath then you get a sort order which you can set. 

you can have the changed date stored for the Entity and sort the list view based on changed date
