Excel Importer questions

I am working with the Mendix excel importer. I am trying to find a way to view the contents of the imported file dynamically by linking two data grids on the same page. I have used the "listen to" widget. However, it still does not work. I read online to use an Xpath constraint, however, I am not familiar with it and I really need help.
1 answers


You can do this as follows:

1. Create an association between the entity that contains the files which are uploaded and the entity that is created by Excel importer.  In your Excel Import Definition, these two entities will be configured in the highlighted fields shown below:

2. On your import page, it sounds like you have a datagrid that lists the files you have uploaded.  On the same page, create a dataview whose source is Listen To, and point it to the datagrid that lists the files

3. Inside of the dataview, place a datagrid whose source can be Database or XPath.  In either case, you will retrieve the imported records over the association with the file object.  An example of how to select records via an association is below:


One step I forgot to include here.  In the microflow IVK_ImportTemplateDocument from ExcelImporter module, you'll need to pass the referenced object to the Java action that imports the file.  Best practice would be to copy that microflow to your module and make the change there.  I have highlighted the parameter that needs to be changed below:

Hope that helps,

