XML export mapping for a XSD schema that has repeatable elements

I want to perform a XML export mapping for a schema that  contains elements that can have multiple occurrence. I am trying to map attributes of an entity to 3 occurrences of the same schema element ( one to many mapping). However , I am not able to expand the element  in the schema  which has MaxOccurs  = 1..* ( refer screenshot below).I guess there is something I am missing out. Can anyone please advise on how such a mapping can be done. My end goal is export out his xml on a button click  action   to a fixed folder location  where it will be picked up by services from another application. 
4 answers

It seemed you don’t has any attributes in your xml schema? You should take a look for your xsd that the schema there is correctly set up. 

If the schema is working, you need to add the entities that you provide to the mapping which contain the data you want to provide and map them to the right place.


You need to build the data structure in the datamodel for your specific case. Then you map the structure in the data model. After that you need to implement the logic in the code, that means you need to create the objects and associations for the mapping as it should be and then send it to the datamodel. So in case of a 1-* you need to build the related associations between your objects in your domain model and implementation.


I have already got the XSD correctly imported and the entity configured. The question is specifically this : if an element in the XSD has an occurrence of more than 1 ( refer screenshot below) , I should be able to create a export XML mapping where this element repeats. Refer the element called Infocard in the screenshot below taken from Mendix desktop modeler 7.23.2.


Can't you use map automatically? https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/map-automatically

