Retrieving a list of accounts with a specific user role
Hi, I want to show a list of Accounts with the user role of ‘user’. I used the following XPath constraint: [System.UserRoles = '[%UserRole_User%]'] When an admin is logged in it works as expected and a list of accounts with user role ‘user’ is shown: When a user is logged in only his own account is shown: Why is this happening?
Jean-Paul Weijers
2 answers
This is indeed influenced by the User role setting. See the picture below.
In User management you can decide which other roles that user can control.
Ronald Catersels
Isn’t their a setting to allow a user type to manage another. Therefore users cannot see users but admins can.
Either that or some type of security access issue on the entity. It may be possible to use a helper entity to display users to users and populate this at application startup