XPATH constraint date

Currently i have a listview of all objects. I want to filter out most of these objects based on a date. I only want to show results based on the latest date found in the listview and the 6 days prior to that date. E.g. The latest date in the list view is ‘10-12-2019’. So now I want to see all results between ‘10-06-2019’ and ‘10-12-2019’ OR How can i show all object where the date is equal to the latest date found in the list view?
1 answers

If you have a microflow as the datasource of the listview¸ then you can limit the retrieve to 7 records and sort it by date descending.

Your second option “How can I show all objects where the date is equal to the latest date found in the list view?” 

If it is ok to do this via microflow: first get LatestDate by doing a retrieve with Range “First” and Sort by date descending. Then do a retrieve with XPath constraint “[Date = $LatestDate]”.
