XPATH multiple photos related to another entity

I am going crazy trying to get this to work. I have a single page which is split in 2.   One side has a specific single property. This is a listview using an XPATH of [id='[%CurrentObject%]'], This is working fine. The other side I want to display multiple photos related to the single property on the first side. Listings and Photos, my two entities are associated. I’ve tried XPATH microflow and listen to widgets with no luck. I seem to get either nothing displaying or all the photos in the entity despite which properties they are associated with. I am not an expert in Mendix and would be very appreciative for any guidance on how to handle this.   THANK YOU!    
3 answers

Hi Ed,

If I understand correctly, I would use a dataview for the Property entity, place a layoutgrid 6/6 inside, and put the details of the Property on the left side. Place a listview on the right side and use a xpath or database source and navigate from Property to Image.

Is this a possible solution?


Thank you. I will try this later today and post my results. I really appreciate the quick response.


Thank you. That worked for me.
