List View Restrict Association

For list view I want to retrieve an associated object but I want to add XPath constraints to limit the retrieved objects but there is no expression input for an XPath (under the association option). How can I do that? The other option is Using the XPath option but that only retrieves from the database and don’t know how to restrict those based on the object I have.
3 answers

Choose your data source as XPath. When selecting the entity you should find the object in your data view at the top and select the entity associated to it. It doesn’t necessarily have to be from the database when choosing the XPath Data source. 


A retrieve by association retrieves the object from cache if available. XPath translates into SQL commands and is only available on DB level. You can’t filter cached objects by using XPath. They need to be in the database. To achieve your goal, you could select microflow as datasource and do your filtering inside the microflow.


Choose your data source as XPath. When selecting the entity you should find the object in your data view at the top and select the entity associated to it. It doesn’t necessarily have to be from the database when choosing the XPath Data source. 
