Data Gird Search over an association

Hi All, I have to entites, Foo and Foo1, where each entites contain multiple fields. I have a attribute, Cars in Foo, where the value are bought in from Foo1 attribute Cars, which can be added dynamically. I created a data grid to view data for Foo, where in search, Cars field has values coming in form of a drop down from Foo1 Cars. But when i search using the drop down, no results are being displayed. I have Foo1 *-----1 Foo association among the entities. Any help.
1 answers

Search only works on persistent entities that have been committed to the DB as search queries run against the DB.

When you display entities via associations in the process of creating / updating them, they are built (created/updated) in memory. So you need to think around the corner and find a way (replace normal create / edit buttons) by buttons triggering microflows that take the objects, commit them to the DB and open a new window  / refresh the existing one to get the updates displayed.

Not margical, just a bit more work.   
