SIMATIC S7 Connector Release 2.2.0 - Mendix Forum

SIMATIC S7 Connector Release 2.2.0


📢 Dear Industrial Edge Community,


We are happy to inform that we will be releasing 2.2.0 version of SIMATIC S7 Connector soon.

What’s new in SIMATIC S7 Connector 2.2.0 version

Currently we are working on the final customer journey related to improved security topic.

We will keep you posted on the final release date.


If you’ve used unsecure communication in your current configuration, then update to version 2.2.0 will work without any issues.


If you’re using secured communication with default CA certificate ("ID: 1" contains the certificate signature encrypted with SHA1) under Optimized S7 Connection, then after the update the connection to the PLC will fail with old certificates and data will not be published.


You need to follow the below steps to renew TLS Certificates for S7-1500 PLC (2.9 Firmware or later versions) and S7-1200 PLC(4.5 Firmware or later versions) and partner device (SIMATIC S7  Connector) to get the data from PLC using secure communication.

For further details please take a look at the documentation: Create TLS Certificates (*Note: File is a pdf and can be viewed in any pdf viewer)



Thank you very much.




Please refer below Mendix post for the latest release information and Breaking changes update in SIMATIC S7 Connector


Note: The link to 'Create TLS Certificates' is downloading the documentation without any extension. But the actual file is a pdf and can be viewed in any pdf viewer.
