Cant download branch

Any time I create a new branch from my main line and try to open it, I get the following error.   FAILED TO CHECKOUT REMOTE REPOSITORY: LibGit2Sharp.NameConflictException: 'C:\Users\[username]i\Documents\Mendix\[app_branch]' exists and is not an empty directory   When I create the branch or I try to switch branch lines, Studio always asks me where I want to save the project. I'll enter a new folder name and Studio will create the folder, show me "Downloading App" as the progress for a while, then always fail with that error. Even if I manually create the folder first, THEN, specify that I want to download the app to that folder I manually created.. same deal. There doesn't appear to be a way to download branches. What gives>?   Mendix Studio does create the directory and I'll see a ".git" folder in there, but it refuses to download the project itself
3 answers

Interesting. While it's "Downloading" i open the folder and can see it actually downloading the project folders


THEN once I get that error I go back into the folder and it only shows that ".git" folder. Weird


Hi Brian,


Can you take a look at these link, i found this is more related to your issue.



Hope this helps.



I tried all these suggestions. Nothing worked. 


Eventually I contacted support and they said it's a known issue from the late version 9's through 10.2


There were some suggestions that support gave as well, but nothing worked so I upgrade to 10.14 and that silved the issue
