Calendar Widget Tooltip

Hi Mendix Community, I am currently developing an app that uses the Calendar Widget and I wonder if there’s any way to have a tooltip appear when hovering over events on the calendar. This would be used to display a couple of attributes for the specific event being hovered over. The purpose is to help the end-user avoid having to click on the event and open a pop-up page displaying all the attributes. If you have any ideas (or workarounds) that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Alex (I’m using Mendix Studio Pro 8.14.1)
3 answers

I think you might have gotten lucky with the upload two days ago by Nathan Ruth to the AppStore: React Tooltip


Hi Tim,

Thanks for the response! I tried this shiny new widget, the React Tooltip, and it turns out that calendar widgets cannot be contained within the React Tooltip:/ maybe in a future release...fingers crossed!

Any other ideas for work arounds?




This post helped me a lot:

I noticed that when hoovering over the title of an event it shows already a tooltip. I just created a seperate attribute for this title and created a variable with the instructions in the link. That way I just created a new (slightly formatted) sting and made it appear in the tooltip. 


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